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SAV Raindance 6848

Kelly Schaff says: "Raindance’s first progeny have captured the attention of the Angus world and have put him on the fast track to stardom. They are stunners – extra long, deep-bodied and stout-rumped with all the power, performance and presence you can put in one package."

Proclaimed by many as the pick of the record setting flush, Raindance combines the outcross maternal sire Charlo with the breed icon Blackcap May 4136.


Basin Payweight Plus 6048



The first calf crop by Payweight Plus included the $70,000 half interest heifer calf pictured here and a bull calf that scanned an adjusted 365 URE measure of 19.1 square inches at Express Ranches.


Payweight Plus sons headlined the 2019 Montana Performance Bull Co-op Sale on March 15, 2019.

Musgrave 316 Exclusive

The highest $B son of popular sire LD Capitalist 316! He not only has phenomenal Angus phenotype and great feet but, his EPD profile ranks him as one of the top carcass sires in the breed.

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Connealy Confidence Plus



Confidence Plus offers a unique combination of calving ease and growth combined with carcass traits, DOC and HPG, making him a true genetic breed leader.


Confidence Plus progeny are big-ribbed, deep-bodied and well-balanced. His daughters have a brood cow appearance and his sons have the look of herd bulls.

Sterling Pacific 904

Sired by Hoover No Doubt out of Baldridge Isabel B082. He is a blood brother to Baldridge Pappy. Outstanding phenotype and strong genetics with pedigree excellence.

Deep, stout, square made , structurally correct with a top notch disposition.

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Other Herd Bulls:

SAV Renown 3439

SAV International 2020

Connealy Legendary 644L

Connealy Cade 5114

Pedigree Magnum KD 730

5T Power Chip 4790

Renown Answer KD 820

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